FDA Would Enhance Transparency And Disclosure Of Conflicts Of Interest Of Medical Advisers. Part 1 of 3

FDA Would Enhance Transparency And Disclosure Of Conflicts Of Interest Of Medical Advisers – Part 1 of 3

FDA Would Enhance Transparency And Disclosure Of Conflicts Of Interest Of Medical Advisers. The US Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday proposed unknown guidelines to balm give the public more information on the experts the agency places on its all-important advisory committees, which help approve drugs and devices. The FDA has in the past been criticized for allowing individuals with at odds of interests to serve on these panels.

In some cases, prospective committee members with financial or other ties to a product under discussion can still receive special conflict of interest waivers that let their participation on an advisory panel. But on Wednesday the agency proposed new guidelines that, in its words, would “expand transparency and public disclosure” whenever one of these waivers are handed out.

FDA counselling committees provide the agency with advice on a wide range of topics, including drugs, medical devices and tobacco. They also provide key advice on regulatory decisions, such as product approvals and catholic policy matters. While the FDA is not bound to follow its committees’ recommendations, it usually does.

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Migraine May Increase The Risk Of Heart Attacks And Strokes. Part 3 of 3

Migraine May Increase The Risk Of Heart Attacks And Strokes – Part 3 of 3

This danger for clots, such as deep vein thrombosis, has been associated with all women taking hormonal contraceptives, but it is even more elevated in women with migraine, the researchers noted. In addition, the complications from these clots is greater all women with migraine with aura. The danger of these clots is they can travel to the heart, lungs or brain and cause heart attacks, strokes or stiff breathing problems.

For this study, researchers from Brigham and Women’s Falkner Hospital collected data on more than 145000 women who used hormonal contraceptives. Among these women, nearly 2700 had migraine with atmosphere and more than 3400 had migraine without aura.

The reasons why migraine is linked to clotting and cardiovascular disease aren’t known. “Women making the decision to be on a hormonal contraceptive should discuss their headache history with their doctor” oklahoma 4thp. The matter and conclusions of research presented at medical meetings should be considered preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal.

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Migraine May Increase The Risk Of Heart Attacks And Strokes. Part 2 of 3

Migraine May Increase The Risk Of Heart Attacks And Strokes – Part 2 of 3

Whether controlling migraines reduces the risk for heart disease isn’t known. The reading found a link between migraines with aura and cardiovascular trouble, but it didn’t prove cause-and-effect. Although women who have migraine with aura seem to have this increased risk, it doesn’t doom all who has migraines with aura to have a heart attack or stroke.


One expert was worried by the finding. “What is concerning about this is that migraine with aura is more of a risk than diabetes,” said Dr Noah Rosen, director of the Headache Center at Cushing Neuroscience Institute at North Shore-LIJ Health System in Manhasset, NY “Maybe this will alteration the way we stratify risk based on a history of migraine”.

Rosen doesn’t regard that controlling migraine will reduce the cardiovascular risks. “Migraine, in all likelihood, is a genetic phenomena, so it is not a modifiable risk factor”. That makes it even more important to control other risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Results of another boning up scheduled to be presented at the neurology meeting show that women who have migraines with aura who take hormonal contraceptives have a higher risk of blood clots than women with migraine without aura. The office found that 7,6 percent of women with migraine with aura who used a newer generation contraceptive that combines the hormones estrogen and progestin had deep vein thrombosis (a clot in a leg vein), compared with 6,3 percent of women with migraine without aura.

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Migraine May Increase The Risk Of Heart Attacks And Strokes. Part 1 of 3

Migraine May Increase The Risk Of Heart Attacks And Strokes – Part 1 of 3

Migraine May Increase The Risk Of Heart Attacks And Strokes. Women who put up with from migraines with visual effects called aura may face an increased imperil for heart attacks, strokes and blood clots, new studies find. Only high blood pressure was a more powerful predictor of cardiovascular trouble, the researchers said. There are things women with this class of migraine can do to reduce that risk, they added: lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, avoid smoking, eat healthfully and exercise. “Other studies have found that this breed of migraine has been associated with the risk of stroke, and may be associated with any cardiovascular disease,” said lead author Dr Tobias Kurth, from the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research in Bordeaux and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

So “We repossess migraine with aura is a quite strong contributor to major cardiovascular disease. It is one of the top two risk factors”. Other studies have found the jeopardy for cardiovascular disease for people who suffer from migraines with aura is roughly double that of people without the condition. People who suffer from migraines with aura see flickering lights or other visual belongings just before the headache kicks in.

The findings are to be presented in March at the American Academy of Neurology annual meeting in San Diego. For the study, Kurth’s team collected facts on nearly 28000 women who took part in the Women’s Health Study. Among these women, more than 1400 suffered from migraines with aura.

During 15 years of follow-up, more than 1000 women had a heart attack, slam or died from cardiovascular causes, the researchers found. After high blood pressure, migraine with aura was the strongest predictor for having a heart attack or stroke among these women. The jeopardize was even more pronounced than that associated with diabetes, smoking, obesity and a family history of heart disease, the investigators noted.

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In The USA Hypertensive Diseases Have Become Frequent. Part 3 of 3

In The USA Hypertensive Diseases Have Become Frequent – Part 3 of 3

Hypertension was significantly higher among seniors, men, blacks and those with less than a high school education compared to younger people, women, Asians and people with higher levels of education, the researchers found. To get more public to lower their blood pressure, the CDC said more awareness of the problem and sticking to effective treatments are needed, especially in those states where the prevalence of hypertension is high and the number of those taking medications is low. The CDC occupied data collected through a telephone survey by state health departments across the country example here.

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In The USA Hypertensive Diseases Have Become Frequent. Part 2 of 3

In The USA Hypertensive Diseases Have Become Frequent – Part 2 of 3

Another expert talked about what needs to be done to in point of fact lower hypertension rates in the United States. “Improving awareness, treatment and control of blood pressure is vital to reduce the risk for heart disease and stroke,” said Dr Gregg Fonarow, a spokesman for the American Heart Association and professor of cardiology at the University of California, Los Angeles. “All full-grown men and women should be aware of their blood pressure levels and, if elevated, certify appropriate treatment”.


The report was published in the April 5 issue of the CDC journal Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. People reporting high blood bring pressure to bear in 2009 ranged from a low of nearly 21 percent in Minnesota to a high of nearly 36 percent in Mississippi. Wide variations existed by state in terms of how many people take medication to farther down their blood pressure, according the report.

Nearly three-fourths of Tennessee respondents said they were taking blood pressure medication, compared with about half of those from California, for instance. Disparities were also seen in age, sex, education levels and nation and ethnicity.

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In The USA Hypertensive Diseases Have Become Frequent. Part 1 of 3

In The USA Hypertensive Diseases Have Become Frequent – Part 1 of 3

In The USA Hypertensive Diseases Have Become Frequent. The harmony of Americans reporting they have high blood pressure rose nearly 10 percent from 2005 to 2009, federal well-being officials said 2013. High blood pressure – or hypertension, a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke – affects nearly one-third of Americans, said Fleetwood Loustalot, a researcher at the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, region of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. About 26 percent of Americans said they had loaded blood pressure in 2005, and more than 28 percent reported high blood pressure in 2009 – a nearly 10 percent increase.

And “Many factors furnish to hypertension,” Loustalot said, including obesity, eating too much salt, not exercising regularly, drinking too much alcohol and smoking. “What we are really concerned about as well is that people who have high blood compel are getting treated. Only about half of those with hypertension have it controlled. Uncontrolled hypertension can lead to negative health consequences like heart attacks and strokes”.

Of the study participants who said they had high blood compression in 2009, about 62 percent were using medication to control it. Loustalot said the increase in the prevalence of high blood pressure is largely due to more awareness of the problem.

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Genetic Changes In The Ebola Virus. Part 2 of 2

Genetic Changes In The Ebola Virus – Part 2 of 2

He is director of the Center for Genome Sciences at the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases in Frederick, MD. Study heroine author and US Army Captain Jeffrey Kugelman, a viral geneticist at the institute, said, “The virus has not only changed since these therapies were designed, but it’s continuing to change”. Three of the mutations found by the researchers appeared during the aware West African epidemic.


So “Ebola researchers penury to assess drug efficacy in a timely manner to make sure that valuable resources are not spent developing therapies that no longer work”. While genetic sequence-based drugs are considered to be the best want for future treatment of Ebola outbreaks, none has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration or any other regulator. However, some of the drugs are being tested on some patients, and a clinical trial of one of the drugs is scheduled to begin in Sierra Leone in the coming months ingredients in vigrx. Sierra Leone, along with Guinea and Liberia, are the three West African nations at the epicenter of the bruited about outbreak that has led to nearly 21300 infections and more than 8400 deaths.

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Genetic Changes In The Ebola Virus. Part 1 of 2

Genetic Changes In The Ebola Virus – Part 1 of 2

Genetic Changes In The Ebola Virus. Genetic changes that have occurred in the Ebola virus over the in the end few decades could make it more difficult for scientists to find ways to act toward the deadly pathogen, a new study says. Many of the most promising experimental drugs being developed to fight Ebola bind to and target a section of the virus’s genetic sequence or a protein derived from that genetic sequence. If there are significant changes in Ebola’s genetic sequence, these drugs may not work, the researchers explained. The researchers compared the genetic makeup of the Ebola hurt causing the in touch outbreak in West Africa with the genetic makeup of strains that caused outbreaks in Africa in 1976 and 1995.

Compared to the older strains, the current strain had changes in about 3 percent of its genetic structure, the about authors said. The findings were published Jan. 20 online in the journal mBio. “Our work highlights the genetic changes that could affect these sequence-based drugs that were from the word go designed in the early 2000s based on virus strains from outbreaks in 1976 and 1995,” study senior author Gustavo Palacios said in a journal news release.

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Doctors Recommend A New Treatment For Cancer. Part 3 of 3

Doctors Recommend A New Treatment For Cancer – Part 3 of 3

So “Because Arimidex has less side effects, more women are likely to undergo preventive treatment. This will eventually help decrease the incidence of breast cancer in women in this category. We are planning to remain following the study participants for at least 10 years, and hopefully much longer,” study author Cuzick said. “We want to determine if Arimidex has a continued impact on cancer frequency even after stopping treatment, if it reduces deaths from breast cancer, and to ensure that there are no long-term adverse side effects” proextender.gdn.

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